Link to Me
Do you want to be my affiliate? Contact me and we can be sister sites!
You must link back to me if I choose you as an affiliate. As you can see, I have an Affiliate Quilt you can also use to link back to me! ( Slight exceptions can be made. )
If we are friends, I will gladly affiliate with you!
Either I have an original character affiliated with your universe or dimension / world as I like to call them, we have an alternate dimension thing going on where our worlds interact, or I am simply invested in your original characters and or world you've made for them are some requirements for affiliating.
If you have crossover Sailor Senshi from fandoms I love, I will gladly affiliate with you! I have a Senshi no Basuke agenda going on here, let's expand together and have a Sports no Senshi agenda or propagate the idea of crossover Sailor Senshi! Why limit your lovely fan Sailor Guardian to the world of Sailor Moon?
I strongly appreciate canon divergent Sailor Guardians because I am crossover obsessed but there are exceptions to how canon divergent you can be to affiliate with me. You can't completely screw over canon like for example: make your own Sailor Moon to replace the Sailor Moon we know and love, have a generic name for your Sailor Guardian like Sailor Star or Sailor Heart. Draw on the names of mythology or foreign languages to make it unique please! Males cannot be Sailor Guardians but they can have Sailor Crystals so I will accept knights, warriors, etc. Not male Sailor Guardians.
While I don't expect anyone to update their fan Sailor Guardian website regularly, I do ask that you are somewhat active by updating yearly.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I do apologize for the lengthiness and if I give off a harsh tone in my rules, I can be picky, and ​I just want to affiliate with active senshi websites that I love! Rules can be changed as needed.