In 2009, there was a contest for Seven Deadly Sins senshi which Sarah Forde aka Sailor Astera participated in was how I knew of the contest.
I went down a rabbit hole and I found some pretty submissions for the contest made by Sailor-Serenity : Her revamped Sailor Pride, Sailor Gluttony, her revamped Sailor Lust, Sailor Greed, Sailor Envy, Sailor Sloth, and last but not least her revamped Sailor Wrath.
I also want to feature CaliSketches's Virtue Senshi to balance things out! Her team has one Cardinal Virtue - Sailor Courage, three Theological Virtues - Sailor Faith, Sailor Hope, and Sailor Charity which is also one of the Seven Heavenly Virtues, and last but not least is her Sailor Beauty!
I want to play with the Seven Deadly Sins and the Seven Heavenly Virtues in Senshi no Basuke and or Solar System Celestial Knights somehow but until that day comes, I'd like to see a star system for Sin and Virtue senshi but with their Latin names and affiliate with a fan senshi website for it. If anyone is interested in that idea, just let me know and please give credit where credit is due!